Posted by Karya Guna Gas on Mar 13, 2013 in | 0 comments
Franchise with us
Opportunity to Open Agency
Karya Guna Filling Station provides opportunity for those who are interested to open a business of selling industrial gases as supplier/ agent/ partner by fulfilling the following terms and condition:
- Market
- For those who have no industrial gas knowledge whatsoever will be given an opportunity to join a training and an introduction to know about industrial gas for 3 days minimum in filling station.
- Own at least a 3 x 3 m² space, telephone line.
- Own 1 pick up and a driver.
- Own 10 gasometer minimum for medical oxygen only and 30 gasometer minimum whenever including Acetylene (C₂H₂), Argon, Nitrogen (N₂) and Carbon dioxide (CO₂), by the understanding that gasometer increment depends on the business growth/ number of customers.
- Beginning working capital approximately IDR10-millions.
Profit Projection: 100% minimum for oxygen and ranging from 60% to 100% for other gases but not including transport cost, driver charge, etc.
For further info please contact:
Ari (021) 5890 4683, Chandra 0878 7500 6888
or via Email to :
Kesempatan Untuk Membuka Keagenan
Karya Guna Filling Station memberi kesempatan kepada mereka yang berminat untuk membuka usaha penjualan gas-gas industri sebagai penyalur/agen/mitra dengan memenuhi beberapa persyaratan dan ketentuan sbb:
- Market
- Bagi yang belum mengenal sama sekali mengenai gas industri diberi kesempatan untuk training dan pengenalan minimal selama 3 hari di lokasi filling.
- Memiliki tempat minimal 3 x 3 m2, saluran telepon.
- Memiliki 1 pick up dan pengemudinya.
- Memiliki minimal 10 tabung untuk gas medis (oxygen) saja tetapi kalau meliputi Acetylene (C2H2), Argon, Nitrogen (N2) dan Carbondioksida (CO2) minimal diperlukan 30 tabung, dengan pengertian penambahan tabung tergantung pertumbuhan usaha/pelanggan yang ada.
- Modal kerja awal sekitar Rp.10 jutaan.
Proyeksi Keuntungan: Untuk oksigen minimal 100% dan gas-gas lain antara 60% s/d 100% belum termasuk biaya BBM, sopir, dll.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut sihlakan hubungi:
Ari (021) 5890 4683, Chandra 0878 7500 6888
atau via Email ke :